
Farmtraxx Features

One Stop Access!

Store information on all crop years in one location  
ONE TIME ENTRY!! FarmTraxx Farming Software ensures that you never have to input the same information twice! Simply enter your data one time and FarmTraxx Software takes care of everything else!  
Store your information on all of your crops in one location  
Easily access all of your information from anywhere in the world  
Secure access  
Automatic Hourly Backups stored in multiple locations (East & West Coasts)  

Field Management

Field Details and Notes  
Automatically Calculates Income by Field  
Automatically Calculates Expenses by Field  
Automatically Calculates Profit by Field (Estimated & Actual)  
Allows Unlimited Fields  
Distinguish between various ownership types (Owned, Rented, Etc.)  
Assign different field owners, even from within the same organization  
Easily view field information at a glance with informative graphs and charts  
Accommodates multiple crops or varieties in one field  

Crop Managment

Crop Details and Notes  
Automatically Calculates Expenses by Crop Varieties.  
Automatically Calculates Profit by Crop Varieties (Estimated & Actual)  
Know instantly which crop varieties are costing you the most money per acer  
Know instantly which crop varieties are making you the most money per acer  
Allows Unlimited Crop Categories  
Easily view crop information at a glance with informative graphs and charts  

Track Income

Track income from sales (details or summaries)  
Makes the perfect companion to QuickBooks® or other leading accounting software packages. FarmTraxx gives you the ability to quickly see what crops are profitable for you, while letting actual accounting software packages take care of the accounting.  
Quickly view income by customer, crop variety, field, etc.  
FarmTraxx automatically calculates income by acre so that you can quickly see which crop varieties offer you the highest return  
Income reports highlight outstanding customer payments and even allow you to see your projected income based off of past payments  
Income reports allow management to make crucial decisions with the most up-to-date and accurate information.  
Quickly understand your income with informative graphs and charts  

Track Expenses

Track expenses from customizable categories  
Makes the perfect companion to QuickBooks® or other leading accounting software packages. FarmTraxx gives you the ability to quickly see what you are spending your money on, while letting actual accounting software packages take care of the accounting.  
Quickly view expenses by crop variety, field, etc.  
FarmTraxx automatically calculates field and crop variety expenses so that you can quickly see which growing practices and crop varieties offer you the highest return  
Income & Expense reports highlight area for improvement in your organization  
Income & Expense reports allow management to make crucial decisions with the most up-to-date and accurate information.  
Quickly understand your expenses with informative graphs and charts  

Track Your Loads

Know exactly where your crop loads go, whether that’s directly to a customer, or to a storage  
FarmTraxx automatically calculates all units
(tons, short tons, long tons, pounds, bushels, bins, lugs, etc.) per acre
Use what ever measurement unit you would like.
FarmTraxx is completely customizable to accommodate ANY form of unit measurement.
FarmTraxx automatically calculates projected harvests quantities and completion dates so that you can plan your resources accordingly  
FarmTraxx automatically calculates individual field/crop variety yields
and then uses those yields to give you accurate projections
FarmTraxx offers many harvest reports that allow you to see the information in a variety of ways  
See available storage capacity at a glance  
Automatically calculate crop shrinkage by storage and quickly highlight problems  
Know your exact inventory levels in various storages  
Know exactly what crop varieties and quantities customers have received  
Track production on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis  
Quickly understand your production with informative graphs and charts  

Task Management

Quickly create tasks/projects  
Assign tasks/projects priorities & due dates  
Automatically groups tasks/projects and sorts according to priority and due date  
Automatically highlights tasks/projects past their due dates  
Quickly assign tasks/projects to employees  
Quickly print individualized employee task lists  
Automatically keeps completed tasks for future reference  
Easily view completed and outstanding tasks at a glance with informative graphs and charts  
Never loose a “paper to-do list” again  
Track task/project progress from anywhere.  

Equipment Management

Manage all of your equipment in one place  
Access equipment information from anywhere  
Grant your insurance agent limited access to only
view equipment information that is needed to make sure you are properly covered.
Never again waste time trying to “gather up information” for your insurance agent.
Track the status of your equipment (Active, Sold, Parted-out, Junked, etc.)  
Find equipment easily with customizable categories and easy sorting  
Equipment may also be assigned to unlimited divisions.  
Quickly view your equipment by division, or as the overall company.  
Automatically track Market Value, Debt, and Equity on an individual, category, and overall basis  
Easily view Market Value, Debt, and Equity at a glance with informative graphs and charts  
Take pictures of your equipment and conveniently store them on the FarmTraxx servers
for insurance purposes or quick reference in the future

Log Management

Manage all of your logs in one place  
Access log information from anywhere  
Grant certain individuals limited access to only view log information that is appropriate.
Never again waste time trying to “gather up information” from your various log books.
Use daily logs to track various details of
Storages, Fields, Fertilizers, Spray, Safety, Training, Equipment,
Pest Control, Maintenance, Irrigation, Cleaning, and General Purpose.
Find logs easily with easy selections and sorting  
Ensure that all required logs are being recorded without even leaving your office  
Use predefined logs or customize your own.